Kick off Mentor4Talent 2024-2025 – Exploring our Leadership Signatures

Annette Onrust2024-06-08T11:20:24+00:00

May 2024 - This year 25 couples join the Mentor4Talent program 2024-2025! After intakes with all participants, we made a match between a mentor from one company to a mentee from another company. We are very excited to speak with so many talented and ambitious female (potential) leaders. The mentoring journeys from last year and other years learn that mentoring can have a great impact on the career of female talents at one hand and bring external insights and learnings to both mentors and mentees at the other hand. This year as well we have mentees from earlier years that pay [...]

Kick off Mentor4Talent 2024-2025 – Exploring our Leadership SignaturesAnnette Onrust2024-06-08T11:20:24+00:00

Step out of your comfortzone – Mentoring journey of Miriam Boots and Jacqueline Bosker

Annette Onrust2024-03-24T18:16:03+00:00

Miriam Boots, Head of Business Analysis at Triodos Bank, joined the Mentor4Talent program 2023-2024. She was matched with Jacqueline Bosker, Purchase Manager at Isala, who has been her mentor for one year. What are their reflections on last years’ mentoring journey? Miriam, why did you want to join the Mentor4Talent program and how did you experience it? I was searching for more, for meaning and purpose, but I didn’t really know what I wanted and especially how to get there. Then one of my managers offered me this program. The fact that the program was all about women, gave me a feeling [...]

Step out of your comfortzone – Mentoring journey of Miriam Boots and Jacqueline BoskerAnnette Onrust2024-03-24T18:16:03+00:00

Amée Leferink about the Mentor4Talent program

Annette Onrust2022-11-30T08:18:13+00:00

My name is Amée Leferink and I work as an investment advisor at InnovationQuarter Capital, Zuid-Holland's regional development VC fund. Why did you joint he Mentor4Talent program? I was given the opportunity and jumped at the chance. I work in a relatively masculine environment and have not been active in the industry for long. So some external female guidance , sounded (and turns out to be) very useful to me. How do you experience the conversations with your mentor and what does it bring you?  Annette did a great job at finding me a suitable mentor. My mentor and I don't [...]

Amée Leferink about the Mentor4Talent programAnnette Onrust2022-11-30T08:18:13+00:00

Fiona Lake about Mentor4Talent and her new assignment in Qatar

Annette Onrust2021-12-15T16:13:51+00:00

Fiona Lake will start a new challenging assignment for Shell in a male dominated area and country, Qatar, as from January 2022. She is mentee in the Mentor4Talent 2021-2022 program and in this interview she talks about her new role and her mentoring journey with her mentor Suzanne Wigchert. Suzanne is Associate Director Regulatory Strategy at Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Annette: Why did you apply for the Mentor4Talent program?   Fiona: The reason I applied for this program was that I wanted to have a mentor outside of Shell as you can have more candid discussions. You can ask the questions you feel [...]

Fiona Lake about Mentor4Talent and her new assignment in QatarAnnette Onrust2021-12-15T16:13:51+00:00

Executive coaching with female leaders


This is a good moment to think about your career after the crisis and to make time for personal growth and professional leadership development. Explore your next steps together with other senior female executives. Join Advancing Women in Leadership, an in-depth programme to reflect on your leadership journey. You learn how to have more impact and grow your influence as a responsible leader. You will enhance your strategic network and after the programme you will become part of a growing alumni group of female leaders. February 2021 we will start the third edition of this programme in co-operation with [...]

Executive coaching with female leadersRedactie2021-07-29T16:13:50+00:00

Eerste virtuele bijeenkomst: leiderschap in crisistijd met Marjan van Loon


Richting geven, samenwerken en vooruit kijken. Dat zijn samengevat de drie belangrijkste lessen die Marjan van Loon, president directeur van Shell Nederland, tot nu toe uit de crisis getrokken heeft. Leiderschap in crisistijd betekent dat je heel duidelijk richting moet geven door strak sturing te geven aan je team en veel te communiceren; dat je op een manier moet samenwerken die vernieuwend is, op een creatieve manier moet kijken naar partners en samenwerking die je misschien nog niet kende en dat we vooral vooruit blijven kijken waar we heen willen naar de toekomst. Met als allerbelangrijkste: hoe wil je herinnerd worden? [...]

Eerste virtuele bijeenkomst: leiderschap in crisistijd met Marjan van LoonRedactie2021-07-29T16:14:17+00:00

Distant Socializing


The corona crisis has a big impact on all of us. Our lives, families, work, health, income might be effected. This can cause feelings of distress and anxiety. What can I do within my circle of influence and what can I contribute that is meaningfull in this crisis? We can all contribute to flatten the curve of new corona infections by social distancing, voluntarily limiting physical contact with other people. By taking responsiblity I can mean something in the health of other people. However, it pushes against human beings' fundamentel need for connection with one another. If we don't stay [...]

Distant SocializingRedactie2021-07-29T16:14:39+00:00
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